

In South Africa, the transformation of the agricultural sector is viewed as paramount to the stability and progress of our country’s democracy. Transformation is defined as the development and implementing of appropriate programmes to support our emerging black growers to make a transition from an emerging to a commercial raisin grower to extend their market access opportunities at the same time.

In accordance with the recommendations received from the NAMC, Raisins SA is required to spend 20% of its total statutory levy on transformation activities. Accordingly, our transformation fund is aimed at the following activities:
  • Enterprise development (53%)
  • Management of our transformation portfolio (21%)
  • Skills development (23%)
  • Socio-economic development (3%)

Our transformation plan is informed by the NAMC’s guidelines as provided on 30 May 2018 and approved by the NAMC Transformation Review Committee on 23 April 2019.

Transformation Committee

The transformation committee is appointed by the board of directors, to advise and make recommendations to the board on key strategic matters. The transformation committee members are:

Nico Moloto


Desiree Adams


Suzette Bosman

Lilian Senosi

Anthony Mac Minn

ABI Messelaar

Wiaan jv Rensburg

Ricardo Smith

Earl Loxton

Llewellyn Adams

Key PerformanceAreas

Strategic Goals (KPA 5): Industry Transformation

  • Strategic Objective 1: Transformation Capacity
  • Strategic Objective 2: Unlock Grower Potential
  • Strategic Objective 3: Good Corporate Citizen
  • Strategic Objective 4: Alliances

The figure below illustrates the overall governance, responsibilities, strategic goals, strategic objectives, performance indicators and resource allocation.


Enterprise Development

Market access and access to product finance
  • Provide market access and financial support to farmers
  • Revolving credit facility – raisin processors
  • We assist emerging growers with harvest and pruning .
Farm infrastructure and inputs
  • Farm development – soil preparation, plant material, fertilizer, poles, wires, drainage (holistic approach to vineyard development).
Black Commercialisation of emerging growers: Pipeline Development
  • Provide training and support services to help growers from emerging to commercial.
  • Orange- and Olifant River business plans/feasibility studies.
  • We have taken a decision to only assist with a project once there is an approved business plan in place, and due diligence has been done, to ensure the success of a project.