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Raisins SA Simposium

Information and Communication

Click here for the Gala Nomination Form


Open and transparent information in a free-market environment is critical for the efficient function of the same market.

Raisins SA has dedicated capacity to fulfil this function, by providing a comprehensive professional information service that is credible, transparent, independent, relevant and timely.

This service enables role players to make strategic business decisions on both production- and marketing activities throughout the value chain.

Key PerformanceAreas

The following strategic objectives are included as part of Strategic Goals (KPA 4): Information, Communication and Knowledge Management as outlined in PROJECT RISE, these are:

  • Strategic Objective 1: Membership Registration
  • Strategic Objective 2: Communication Channels
  • Strategic Objective 3: Public Relationships (PR)
  • Up to date and relevant industry website;
  • Publication of a quarterly newsletter, with the aim to report on all progress achieved of respective portfolios;
  • Upkeep of our industry data basis, which include an accurate vine census;
  • Active social media feeds;
  • Key publications, which include:
    • Annual industry statistics;
    • Press releases;
    • Crop forecasts;
    • Monthly trade reports;
    • Volume intake reports, etc.